Lip or Build-Up Removal on Infields

The edges of turf must be maintained by eliminating all infield materials that have either blown or been pushed into the grass. If these materials are neglected, a hazardous lip can form over time. Because such a hazard is a risk to an athlete’s safety, any lip must be eliminated.

Recommended Equipment

  • Sod Cutter
  • Garden Rake
  • Topdressing (Turface®, Native Soil, Seed)


  1. Use a sod cutter to remove all turf covering this raised area. Make sure to save and protect this freshly cut sod because it will be placed back in its original location.
  2. After the turf has been removed, eliminate all built-up materials until this area is slightly lower than the infield surface.
  3. Return the sod to its original location.
  4. Topdress any damaged areas or exposed soil. Level the topdressing with a garden rake.
  5. Lightly water daily until the sod knits to the soil. Once the turf has taken to the soil, water less frequently but with increased volume. This process will establish strong turf quickly in this repaired area.

Another option to remove lips is to use a garden hose and high-pressure nozzle and spray the soil out of the grass back onto the infield dirt. Spray at a 45-degree angle toward the infield. This can be a very effective way to remove more soil than hand raking lips.